Please join us for a quiet morning, Silent Saturday, Day of Enrichment, or session of Centering Prayer and silence. All are open to beginners as well as those experienced in contemplative prayer or silent meditation. All provide time for prayer, a contemplative walk, private reflection and fellowship.
Our local prayer groups welcome your interest, inquiries, and attendance. These groups encourage and support members’ prayer practice and growth. A typical meeting begins with a 20 minute period of centering prayer followed by an enrichment activity or lesson. Due to ongoing concerns of COVID, we offer a once a month, online Centering Prayer meeting. We meet via ZOOM the second Wednesday of the month at 1 PM. Please contact a member of our leadership for more information.
Area Centering Prayer Meetings
Christ Episcopal Church, 601 E Walnut – everyone Thursday 3:30 pm -4:30 pm via ZOOM. Contact Mary Ellison ( for the link. We are currently reading The Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault.
Immaculate Conception, 3555 S Fremont –
Our Lady of the Lake, 203 Vaughn Rd –